Among all other cancers, lung cancer is equally prominent. People usually blame smoking for the occurrence of lung cancer. However, non-smokers become the victims of lung cancer. So, a cancer doctor in Bangalore takes into account this issue. Following that, lung cancer tends to affect older people in general. Death is the worst possible outcome of this cancer.
Therefore, this article will make you explain about important causes of lung cancer. One can read this article to know in-depth about lung cancer.
Main Causes of Lung Cancer
Undoubtedly, there are many causes of lung cancer. A patient can have multiple reasons to catch up with lung cancer. So, the causes of lung cancer can be due to the following reason:
- Smoking is the top contributor
Smoking is one of the top contributors to lung cancer. Generally, regular smokers are at heavy risk. This happens because of cell damage concerning the lungs’ area. In doing so, lungs are filled with unhealthy cells only. So, a cigarette can directly impact the lungs. Usually, the cancer-causing element can affect the functioning of the lungs. Furthermore, the person’s lung fails to carry out normal functioning. As a result, other organs get affected.
- Family History
If one member has lung cancer in the family then, it can be dangerous. Following that, family history is a big cause of lung cancer. It is passed from the genes. Therefore, one should be extra-cautious regarding this. So, the causes of lung cancer have their relevance here.
- Pollution
The pollutants tend to affect the lung directly. So, the cancer doctor in Bangalore shows seriousness regarding pollution. In addition to that, air pollution targets the DNA of the cells. Further, tiny particles change the cell functioning totally. So, air pollutants can majorly boost cancer cells.
- Alcoholic person
An alcoholic person is more prone to lung cancer. This is because smokers take drinks while smoking. Following this, extra harm is added to the lungs. Studies prove that about 10,000 drunkards became victims of lung cancer.
- Radiation Therapy causes cancer
Undoubtedly, radiation therapy is an effective cancer treatment. But, its side effects in rising cancer cells can’t be avoided. Furthermore, age, as well as dosage, has to be taken into consideration.
- Diet affecting cancer
Foods that can trigger blood-glucose levels can lead to lung cancer. Generally, fatty foods also come on the list. Following that, intake of fewer carbohydrates can help. Doctors don’t ignore diet concerning cancer Thus, one must be careful with his diet.
- Secondhand smoking is effective
One need not be a smoker for having lung cancer. It means that staying in contact with people undergoing smoking can be dangerous. In addition to that, inhaling toxic fumes can cause deaths too. Studies report that many non-smokers became victims of this cancer. Therefore, maintaining a distance from secondhand smokers can be beneficial.
- Viruses can be cancer-causing
Certain viruses including papilloma can cause lung cancer. This indicates that cancer lurking cells have their attachment with viruses. Following that, the causes of lung cancer can be increased in viruses.
Therefore, there are multiple reasons for having lung cancer. A patient must stay away from smokers. One should have certain awareness of lung cancer. Little lifestyle changes can be productive. Even, one must go for diagnosis if he feels so.
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