Trekking is becoming increasingly popular since many charities offer trekking challenges. These top 10 trekking training tips will help you prepare properly for your trek.
All trekking trips require specific preparation to ensure you get the most out of them, regardless of the daily distances, ascents, descents, or altitudes. You’ll be prepared correctly for your trek by following these 10 trekking training tips – including advice on trekking equipment, nutrition and hydration – so that you’re not left nursing blisters and sore legs.
Prepare for trekking early by starting your training:
No matter how far out your trek is, it’s never too early to get started on your trek conditioning program. Give your body time to adapt to the increased demands you are placing on it by building your strength and fitness gradually. As a result, you will have a more enjoyable trek training experience and will avoid risking injury by trying to do too much too soon.
Trekking Footwear You Should Choose:
Your trekking and walking training requires high quality and appropriate footwear. It’s imperative to wear supportive hiking shoes with ankle protection, but avoid ankle cuffs that are too high since they can irritate your Achilles tendon. Make sure that the ankle cuff is scooped out at the back. It’s better to get blisters now, not during your trek, after you’ve broken in your trekking boots and your feet are comfortable. It is advisable to shop for boots in the afternoon when your feet have expanded slightly so you can get the right size.
Walking socks are a must:
Oftentimes, we forget about the right type of socks to wear because we are focused on footwear. Your trekking trip will be ruined if you wear the wrong socks with your trekking boots. Therefore, when trying on boots, put on the same socks as you intend to use on your trek. Material such as Coolmax that wicks sweat away or the new Gore-tex line that is waterproof and wicks sweat away.
Strengthen your legs at the gym:
Besides walking to strengthen your legs, consider doing weighted squats and leg presses in the gym, or bodyweight exercises like lunges and squats using your own weight.
Train Yourself to Walk:
As part of your training program, you will be doing walking training. It is imperative that your distances build steadily towards what you will be doing on your trek. As your fitness improves, include more ‘back-to-back’ training days to simulate your actual trek, which will make training more realistic.
Walk on similar terrain:
In addition to walking, it is imperative to mimic as closely as possible the conditions you will face on the field. Train on terrain similar to the one you will encounter on your trek. Consider weekend scrambling for your training if your trek includes mountain climbing. Practicing in the same footwear and clothes makes a big difference to your speed over the ground, as does using a loaded backpack.
Use your backpack to practice:
It’s likely that you will need to carry food, drinks, spare clothes, and possibly more, so choosing the right backpack is essential. The most reliable models are those that have adjustable chest and waist straps, as well as external compression straps to keep the load from shifting. In more specialist types, the bladders can be removed for liquid consumption on the go, but sterilization may be challenging since water and washing facilities may be limited. To become accustomed to the weight and position of your backpack, practice using it (loaded) during training.
Walk with walking poles:
Your trek will be much more enjoyable if you use walking poles. As well as providing you with ‘two extra legs’ on steep climbs, these lightweight, telescopic hiking poles ease the weight on your knees and thighs on descents. As well as helping clear vegetation, they can be used in a variety of ways at a campsite. It’s definitely worth a try.
Stay hydrated when walking:
When trekking, your fluid requirements will increase dramatically regardless of the climate. You will lose blood volume through breathing and sweating, resulting in your heart working harder. Drink small, frequent amounts of water throughout the day, as you will already be dehydrated by the time you feel thirsty. To determine your hydration level, perform the urine test: a pale straw color indicates that you are well hydrated, while a darker color indicates that you need to drink more water.
Trek with fuel:
During trekking, your energy needs will increase, as will your hydration requirements. Keep your energy levels high by eating small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day. In some parts of the world, snacks like your favorite snack foods aren’t readily available, but fruit is a healthy energy boost and easy to take on the go. Try eating on the go during training to get used to the feeling of food in your stomach when you are trekking.
Your trek will be easier if you are fit before you depart. After spending time, effort, and probably money to reach your trekking destination, it makes sense to get the most out of your trip by keeping in proper shape. This is done by having the right gear. Getting the most out of your trekking experience will be made easier by following the tips above.