Tag: Fortis Hospital


What to eat after a colonoscopy?

Well, colonoscopy is one of the most relevant means of detecting colon cancer. Apart from that, a doctor can detect a wide range of diseases concerning bowel syndrome with this. Mainly, an individual has to take care that the stomach lining isn’t disturbed after having a colonoscopy. Following that, a person needs to include a […]

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What should you not eat with one kidney?

Kidneys are an essential part of our body. The pair of kidneys perform various functions keeping a person healthy and alive. The function of kidneys is to filter waste and excess fluid from the blood. They help to maintain the balance in the body in terms of the composition of electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, […]

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Can a kidney transplant last 30 years?

Well, an individual having a defective kidney can go for kidney transplantation. Most importantly, one has to search for a suitable donor. So, a victim can go to Fortis Hospital, Bangalore for the same. Generally, one seeks a healthy donor for receiving the kidneys. But, a patient can also use the kidneys from a deceased donor.  Therefore, […]

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