Sinusitis is an inflammatory condition or swelling of tissues lining the sinuses caused as a result of infection(bacteria, viruses, and fungi). Sinuses are hollow spaces within the forehead(frontal sinus), cheekbones(maxillary sinus), and between the ears(ethmoid) and sphenoid behind the nose. They are known to produce mucus that keeps the inside of the nose moist. The presence of moisture in turn prevents affliction with dust, allergens, and pollutants. Healthy sinuses are filled with air but when they’re blocked, they get filled with fluid hence providing a medium for bacterial growth and infection.
Sinusitis and Ayurveda
Sinusitis is referred to as “pinas” in Ayurveda. According to sinus treatment in ayurveda, acute sinusitis is caused due to an imbalance of Kapha and Vata dosha in the region above the clavicle(Urdhwajatrugata roga). The imbalance amongst tridosha lowers immunity hence making an individual more vulnerable to infections.
Types Of Sinusitis And Their Symptoms
Acute sinusitis: It is a sudden onset of symptoms that usually lasts up to 4 weeks. Its symptoms include;
- Facial tendernes
- Stuffed nose
- Runny nose
- Loss of smell
- Cough
- Congestion
- Fever
- Sometimes a thick greenish or yellow nasal discharge may appear.
- Pain radiating to cheeks, temples, ears, upper jaw, and teeth
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Sub-acute sinusitis: Inflammation that lasts anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks. Its symptoms include;
Similar symptoms exist for a more extended period.
Chronic sinusitis: An inflammation that lasts up to 8 weeks or more. Its symptoms include;
- Constant feeling of congestion in the face
- Nasal blockage with the presence of pus in the nasal cavity
- Fever
- Runny/stuffed nose
- Headaches
- Toothache
- Recurrent sinusitis: Several attacks within a year
Most Common Causes
It is known to infect people of all ages and sex. Ailments such as
- Dry, oily, spicy foods
- Bad eating habits
- cold weather
- Wrong sleeping pattern
- allergy
- narrowed ducts due to various reasons
- patients with immune deficiency or on immunosuppressant medications
Modern Treatment
Modern medicine suggests the use of decongestants, nasal saline for washing, and antibiotics for oral ingestion along with other drugs for symptomatic relief.
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Sinusitis
Sinus treatment in ayurveda has multifaceted approach to sinusitis and includes
Purificatory therapies(for complete detoxification)
Internal medications
Dietary changes
Lifestyle modifications.
Nasya (Sinus Treatment)
Nasya karma is one of the five shodan therapies explained in ayurveda. In this process medicated oil/herbal powder/juice extracted etc. are added directly into the nostrils.
Pouring warm medicated oil onto the forehead.
Sweden (Steam Inhalation)
Add ginger and or ajwain/clove/tulsi leaves/camphor/menthol to boiling water with a towel placed over the head, covering the eyes, and gently inhale the steam for 4 to 5 min. Steam inhalations help reduce congestion in the sinus passage.
A warm paste of medicinal powders such as sunthi powder is applied over the forehead.
Smoking herbal dhuma varti helps reduce the Kaph dosha present in the sinus and clear the nasal passage hence alleviating symptoms.
Do’s and Don’ts:
- Eat freshly cooked and warm and light-to-digest meals.
- Drinking plenty of water, and eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- One should drink lukewarm water boiled with tulsi leaves, and sunthi throughout the day.
- Regular use of spices such as turmeric, black pepper, ginger, garlic, etc.
- Physical activities such as walking, yogasanas, Surya namaskar, and pranayamas like anulom-vilom, kapalbhati, Nadi shuddhi, etc.)
- Regulating the sleep-wake cycle(early to bed early to rise).
- Avoiding exposure to allergens, extreme sunlight, breeze, etc.
- Avoid intake of packaged food items, refrigerated food, cold drinks, ice cream, etc.