Points to Consider Before Buying a Solar Battery

Because solar batteries can be a long-term investment it is important to ensure that the right one for you. These are some of our top tips so that you’re familiar with what to look out for.

There are many factors that can help you choose the right battery for your home.

If my house is already in existence, can I get a solar battery?

Absolutely! A battery can be added to an existing solar system. An inverter is required for a home that has solar. An inverter’s role is to convert solar electricity into the electricity you need.

There are two options: either remove the existing inverter and install a hybrid or keep the one you have and add a battery-inverter. The second option is the most popular, and for good reasons. It’s often easier to get approvals and more affordable to replace the inverter with a battery.

What happens if my house doesn’t have solar power?

You can get a hybrid inverter if you don’t already have solar. Sunburn Solar suggests that you will have one inverter box instead of two. He explains that hybrid inverters can be connected directly to a battery and manage inputs from both the solar panels as well as the battery. They can charge batteries using power from the sun and the electricity grid.

What amount of back-up do your needs?

You should also consider whether your house should be backed up. Do you need to be able to power the entire house during a blackout? Or do you only want partial backup, such as the kitchen circuit with some lights and the fridge?

Sunburn Solar states that if you have a pool pump you don’t want the battery to shut it down during a blackout. Therefore, partial backup is often an option.

Many people choose to travel with no backup.

He says that the default or no backup arrangement allows you to extract the maximum value from the solar electricity generated. However, it is connected directly to the grid.

“If the grid goes down the systems must be safe. The battery will stop powering your house if it doesn’t have any backup. You can also do partial or complete back-up for an additional cost.

Which battery is best for you?

Firstly you have to look at the amount of electricity they use and the excess generated by their solar systems. This will help you make sure your battery is compatible with your energy environment.

The solar system won’t be able to fully charge a battery if it is too big.

You’ll lose a lot of your power back to the grid if it is too small. You need to make sure your battery is appropriate for your system.

Which are the top brands?

Sunburn solar provides you the best option for choosing the suitable solar batteries according to your home needs. They are a trusted brand that people recognize and trust, and they have a wide range of sizes to fit every customer’s needs

There are many options available from major electronics companies like Sony, Panasonic, and Samsung. You also have the option of well-known battery makers such as BYD. It is important to do some research before you make your home smarter.

What will the future look like?

Until recently, electricity was supplied to your home and business by large power stations that were connected via power lines and distribution networks. What if thousands, if not millions of assets and batteries could be connected across multiple locations to create one large power station? Enter Virtual Power Plants.

It allows customers to become part of a smart and connected energy network, make a difference in cleaner energy, and get rewarded. We are now inviting more Australian customers to join our growing network. Learn how Origin Loop will help you maximize the benefits of your home’s battery.

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