Oil on Canvas Painting: Techniques of Color

Do you find the wealth of information on oil painting to be a little intimidating? When there are so many different painting methods and approaches available, it can be difficult to know where to begin. I was quite unfocused in my painting approach when I first started because I had no clue what I was doing. But after I had my bearings, I was soaring, and you should be too if you understand the fundamentals!

The Method of “Fat Over Lean”

To avoid paint splitting, always use your faster cooling mediums first (or less of your slow-drying chamber) before switching to an even more fatty, slow-drying medium.

For instance, if you’re painting with linseed oil, add a small amount of linseed oil for each additional layer after using less in the previous stages. Alternately, if you’re working with various materials—like liquid and linseed oil—start with the one that dries the fastest before moving on to the one that dries the slowest.

This is why, if you’re going to undertake an underpainting, it would be a great idea to pick a medium that dries quickly.

Alla Prima: Oil Painting –

Applying wet paint straight over wet paint is called “Alla prima,” often defined as “wet-on-wet” or “direct painting.” Without needing to wait for drying times, this technique works well for those who wish to paint quickly while still achieving some great effects and mixing techniques.

I strongly suggest using a goat’s hair hoover brush to mix a faultless gradient with wet colours; this brush’s soft strands and rounded form make it ideal for smooth colour transitions. The advantage of direct painting is that you don’t have to worry about the fat over-lean method because everything is coloured in one layer.


If you understand how, oil paint is an incredibly flexible medium that allows you to create anything you want, whether it’s hyper-realistic portraiture or wildly abstract landscapes.

Try different things with the medium to determine what works best for you. You could believe that you would like to paint in thick layers, but you could find that you prefer the results that carefully considered thin layers of paint offer you.

Which method are you eager to try out, and why?

Meanwhile, if you wish to buy oil paintings by renowned artists in India, then you should visit Aashok Gulati, as his team has organised Oil On Canvas Painting For Sale for the New Year celebration.

So, why wait? Grab the opportunity and bring an oil painting to your home.

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