Alopecia or hair loss, can be temporary or permanent and affect the scalp or even the entire body. Even though anyone can lose hair on their head, men are more likely to do so.
For many people, hair transplantation works as the best option that aids in restoring a full head of hair, or one that appears fuller with radiant hair. If somebody is suffering hair loss or becoming bald is indeed distressing for them, this surgery can be one solution for them to feel more secure about their look.
To provide more accurate information, Dr. Akangsha Sharma, the Best cosmetic surgeon in India at AK Aesthetics, provides insights on hair transplant surgery. She has a special inclination towards cosmetic procedures and specializes in face rejuvenation, fillers, facial peels, mesotherapy, and even hair transplantation.
What are the Symptoms of Hair Loss?
This include:
- Patchy bald spots
- Gradual thinning from the top of the head
- Sudden hair loss
- Hair loss from entire body
- Patches or spots of scaling that spread throughout the scalp.
What Causes Hair Loss?
- Increasing age
- Family history or heredity
- Hormonal changes and medical issues
- Supplements and medications
- Chronic or acute stress
- Treatments and hairstyles
- Poor nutrition
- Significant weight loss.
Hair Transplant Treatment For Overcoming Baldness offered at AK Aesthetics:
- FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): Motorized hair punches are used to remove hair follicles from the donor area. Then, under microscopic magnification, the hair follicles are implanted into the recipient bald region by punching the scalp. In comparison to other ways, the method has the advantages of a quicker recovery, sutureless methodology, less pain, and good long-term benefits.
- Direct Method: The only difference between this technique and FUE is that the follicles are implanted immediately after being harvested, with no storage time and little contact to the external environment. This results in improved graft acceptance.
- FUT (Follicular unit transplantation): Is the surgical removal of a small section of healthy hair from the rear of the scalp. The doctor meticulously layers the trichophytic repair technique on the scalp after the removal makes it difficult to see the suture line. The hair follicles are prepared in batches of one to three under the microscope, and the excised strip is prepped to separate the grafts.
- Combined use of FUT and FUE: If a bigger area needs to be treated and the donor area is healthy, the two treatments can be combined. When using both techniques simultaneously, there will be a significant increase in the quantity of hair follicles transferred during sessions.
What Treatment Procedure is Followed?
The FUT or FUE technique, or a combination of both, is scheduled for the surgery after a preliminary consultation and in-depth discussion with the doctor. Both the patient and the surgeon mark the frontal hairline on the day of the procedure to determine the area that will get the transplant. The entire treatment takes a full day of surgery. Follicles are harvested and transplanted, so that the greatest number of results are possible in a single day. To safeguard follicles while they are outside the body throughout the treatment, doctors retain them in platelet-rich growth factors. The already created slits under the scalp are then used to implant the follicles. The donor region is covered with a dressing, and the patient is released later that day.
Are Medications Required Before the Surgery?
If overall health is good, one can choose to have a hair transplant right away. One should cease using medications on the scalp before treatment if one is already doing so.
How Long is the Procedure?
Time of the surgery is dependent on coverage, or how many grafts must be extracted to cover the required area. Typically it provides one with complete coverage in a single sitting. Usually, a patient might expect an 8–12 hour procedure.
When Can one Resume Daily Work after Surgery?
The day after surgery, regular daily activities can be resumed. No hospitalization is necessary, however patients can often take three to five days off work before the dressing is taken off. Expect some forehead swelling, which typically goes down in two to three days. For three weeks, individuals should refrain from exercising.
When Will New Hair Growth Can be Seen?
The roots of the transplanted hair typically fall out in 2–4 weeks. In three to four months, the hair begins to grow once more and keeps growing through eight to nine months.
What Happens after the Surgery?
On the same day, after receiving a few discharge medications, one can return home. The patient is free to recline and rest. On the initial visit to the hospital, which normally occurs four days after surgery, a dressing that was on the donor location is removed. The first hair wash is administered. For the first two weeks following surgery, one should refrain from using a helmet and polo shirt. After surgery, regular head washing at home is advised.
Anyone with inquiries, concerns, or comments concerning – hair transplant surgery can feel free and visit AK Aesthetics, to avail the benefits of the Best Hair Transplant in Jaipur. Book an appointment today for more information about this amazing procedure!