The number of jobs requiring data analysis abilities will rise in 59% of organisations during the next five years. A comprehensive approach is necessary because data analysts’ job affects the entire organisation. Data analysts must understand the objectives of the company and the data that the company has available to it.
Within the next ten years, one in three jobs will be replaced by software, robots, and intelligent devices, with roughly half of all employment in Malaysia alone becoming computerised.
Skilled data analysts will be one of the very particular jobs required in this new era of data technology. In today’s data-centric marketing environment, data analysis abilities are crucial, according to 72% of marketers.
This opinion is shared by the marketing sector, with a survey from BlueVenn indicating that data analytics represents the most significant “marketing skills gap.” According to this survey, data analysis is the most crucial ability someone can pick up in the next two years.
Data analytics are now a part of practically all applications, programmes, and platforms.
Businesses will integrate data more deeply into their operations, whether those operations are in marketing, systems and technology, sales, engineering, healthcare, or product development, as they begin to recognise the power of information to inform their business decisions, customer behaviours and purchases, and the way they manage business productivity.
Data, however, is useless to a business if no one is equipped to analyse it. The search for top people with excellent data literacy abilities, or the ability to gather, manipulate, manage, and comprehend data, including numbers, text, and images, is therefore on for HR professionals.
The skills gap that HR professionals must deal with
However, extensive data analysis is not where to begin. Primary data analysis abilities are in demand, and HR is having trouble locating these candidates. More than 70% of the organisations looking to fill roles requiring data analysts are having difficulty finding candidates with the necessary skill set.
Therefore, you currently have the chance to acquire a talent that will significantly affect your capacity to get employment in the future.
Jobs like data analyst, data scientist, statistician, market research analyst, financial analyst, and research manager are among the positions employers are looking for; any of these positions could present you with a future career opportunity. 60% of organisations require senior leadership to have data analysis abilities, even if you already hold a senior position.
The ability to analyse data will impress potential employers.
You will become a crucial part of any team if you can analyse data and make well-informed recommendations to guide good decision-making. You’ll establish yourself as the expert to turn to when making strategic business decisions, foreseeing market trends, and boosting output.
Which candidate would you choose if you were a hiring manager and had the choice between someone with managerial skills and someone with organisational and analytical skills?
This valuable skill set on your resume highlights your abilities as a researcher, passionate problem-solver, strategic thinker, and essential communicator, which will set you apart from the competition.
These skills are at the bleeding edge of technology, which explains why demand is so strong. Employers want workers with expertise in cloud and distributed computing, statistical analysis, and data mining to remain competitive.
This opinion is based on the global ranking of statistical data analysis and data mining as the second most sought-after talents at the moment.
One of the best career choices you could make now would be to develop a skill set in data analysis. Data analysts, or people who are competent in understanding, analysing, and distributing data in relevant ways, are in high demand.
Remember that it involves more than just having a knack for math. Additionally, it would help if you were a skilled communicator, a problem-solver, and an original thinker. Therefore, just taking a data analyst course Malaysia today.
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