Day: January 11, 2022


Which Shampoo Is the Best for Hair?

Do you experience frequent and excessive hair fall due to frizz? If yes, we know how upsetting this feeling can be. The days are long gone when your hair would shine even without investing any effort. In the era where pollutions and UV rays have become irreplaceable irritants in our lives, we all should opt […]

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How do you tell if the lining of your stomach is damaged?

Well, damage to the stomach lining is usually marked by gastritis. Following this, pain, as well as indigestion, also hampers the victim a lot. So, the doctors of Fortis Medical Centre take full care that the patient gets good treatment. For the same cause, they stress inadequate medication and care. However, diagnosis for the same […]

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Does your stomach swell after an abortion?

Abortion is quite common, and a woman may choose to undergo an abortion for various reasons. Deciding to have an abortion is a very personal one, and in many situations, a very difficult one. For example, A woman may find that their baby is not developing normally or that continuing with the pregnancy may risk […]

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What is the difference between chest pain and heartburn?

Indigestion and heartburn are two frequent (GI) issues often discussed. Although they can occur simultaneously, they are usually considered different GI problems. If you’re experiencing the stomach becoming upset, acid reflux, or heartburn, what can you determine if you’re suffering from indigestion or heartburn? What exactly is HeartBurn? Heartburn happens when stomach acid is pushed […]

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Is dental implant surgery safe ?

Dental implant surgery has become one of the go-to procedures to replace missing teeth. It possesses many advantages and many disadvantages (especially for those whose mouth is effective against the products like titanium). Charak Hospital is one of the advancing hospitals that has set its goals along with the changing technology. It provides you with […]

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